Canine Myofunctional Therapy
Canine Myofunctional Therapy (CMT) is a holistic, therapeutic treatment that utilises massage, stretching, & rehabilitation exercises to treat pain and manage or prevent injuries. It also helps to keep your dog pain free and active as they age.
It is beneficial for all dogs, including:
Puppies to help them become used to being handled (particularly important for future vet visits!).
Dogs who are experiencing intermittent lameness, where surgery isn’t a treatment option.
Owners who want to trial conservative treatment prior to considering surgery (for example, if you have a dog with a partial cruciate ligament tear, hip dysplasia, Wobblers Syndrome or IVDD).
Sports dogs - just as human athletes receive regular massage treatments and do strengthening exercises and stretches to prevent injury, so too should our canine athletes.
Anxious or timid dogs to help them relax and provide stress relief.
Senior dogs to counter the affects of the ageing process, maintain mobility and assist with pain relief (I have found it to be particularly beneficial in dogs with osteoarthritis).
Benefits of canine Myofunctional Therapy include:
Increased flexibility.
Improves blood circulation.
Stimulates lymphatic drainage & removes toxic waste.
Improves range of movement.
Improves nutrient supply to joints, muscles & organs.
Reduces muscle tension & fatigue.
Helps improve the balance of the musculoskeletal system.
Promotes healing.
To contact Nicola, make an enquiry or book an appointment click here.
Josh T -
“When our dog Zeik was diagnosed with Wobblers Syndrome, Nicola treated him & we saw an immediate improvement in his overall movement & wellbeing. Zeik felt very comfortable around Nicola & warmed to her instantly. It is obvious how experienced & knowledgeable she is in her field & in many other areas of animal care. My wife & I would definitely recommend her & I can guarantee your pet will be in the best hands.”